JEE MAIN 2013 Result AT 4 PM

JEE (MAIN) 2013 result is likely to be declared on Today at 4 PM.
 Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Mains) conducted the written examination in April 2013 for admissions in various undergraduate engineering programs at NITs, IITs and Technical institutions, is expected to announce the results tomorrow, Tuesday.

Candidates who have appeared for the JEE Mains 2013 examination can check their result on the official website of  JEE MAIN/AIEEE  on 7th of May. 
However a valid Roll Number or Registration Number is required to check the results.
To check JEE MAIN 2013 Results, click here
FOR THE TIME  VIEW YOUR OMR SHEET (both for pen/paper and computer based)  HERE


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